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Terms and Conditions
The projects created using CircuitMaker may include certain open source software or hardware designs originated from third parties that is subject to the GNU General Public License (GPL), GNU Library/Lesser General Public License (LGPL) and different and/or additional copyright licenses, disclaimers, and notices. By checking the “I agree” line below, you acknowledge that any project you post, including any design files and source code, will be public information and may be subject to one or more open source software or hardware licenses. Please refer to the exact terms of the GPL and LGPL at (Free Software Foundation) or (Open Source Initiative) regarding your rights under said licenses. You also acknowledge that by signing up to use CircuitMaker, you agree that Altium can send you occasional emails with news about CircuitMaker and our partner service, components, and reference designs. Altium will never give your email address to any third party.
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